My mom asked me today why I haven't been writing on my running blog. The answer: I've been a slacker. Ok, so maybe not a TOTAL slacker, I've walked around the lake a few times with the family and I traveled last week, but I haven't run since I lost my mojo a few days ago. I don't know, I feel guilty sometimes when I run/exercise during the day unless it involves the family. I really need to get back to exercising in the morning like I used to. It's nicer to get it done early AND it's ME time. Maybe if I go to bed early and then wake up and do it after I nurse Emmett at 5-6 in the morning. We'll see. I'll try it out next week and see how it goes.
Well, after talking to my mom I decided to go out and run. It was windy. The wind was blowing at about 23mph. There was a couple times when I felt like I was going to get blown away. Brianna went with me. She rode her bike and enjoyed the 2nd half of the run. The first half was into the wind the whole time. I just kept telling her once we hit the halfway mark we'd have the wind to our backs and it'd be a lot easier. I only stopped to walk a couple times when Brianna needed me. I was able to keep running after stopping. Before that was a tough thing to do. I think the last few runs on the treadmill where I ran/walked really helped with that. I'll have to keep practicing with that, but I've gotta keep it with the walk 2/run 3 thing cause, when I did 5/5 that's when I lost my mojo. I think it was too much too soon. I don't know. It's tough to make your own workout plans.
A view from my run and my finger in the way. :)
Brianna waiting for me to catch up.
Brianna and me at the end of our run/ride.