An early morning wake up (2:45am) and a 30 min drive to the bus was the beginning of my day yesterday.
Mom and dad picked me up and we drove down to the shops below Big Cottonwood Canyon. Mom and I got on the 4th bus up. We walked up and down the street a couple of times once we arrived at the start. The weather was nice and cool. We were thankful we brought our jackets. 
The sun came out and it was time to line up to run. My stomach was aching from nerves. I just had to keep trying to ignore it. 
Mom was going to start at the end of the pack since she was expecting to finish around 3 hours. I wanted to stay in front of the 2.20 pacer. I wasn't sure if I could do it, but I knew I didn't want to run with a pacer and throw myself off.
I started down the canyon feeling good. The first few miles were a little downhill and some level and then we hit the big steep hills. My lungs and heart were feeling great. I was sticking with a good pace, but my calves and thighs were feeling it around mile 6. The steep downhill mixed with the slanted road pulled on my muscles hard.
Adam called around mile 8 and told me not to start walking. I was feeling good and had no intentions of walking.
I kept up the pace and got out the canyon around mile 11.5. I LOVE that the race had that much in the canyon. It made the last couple miles MUCH easier.
We got out of the canyon and on to the trail. I liked going on the trail except the drop that went under the road. It was short and super steep so your legs just screamed from going down the canyon earlier.
I hit 13 miles and saw my dad.
It was good to see his smiling face. I knew the finish was right there, so I picked up the pace and finished hard.
I finished in 2.14.52! Not bad for not training very well the past few months.
After getting a drink and my medal I went back up and met with my dad.
He's such a great dad. He waited right there on the rock for my mom to finish. He walked up a little bit to meet up with her.
She finished in 3.01!! Way to go ma! She got 2nd in her age group and even got a new PR! She's such a great example.
Today my body is ACHING. Haha! Every muscle was used yesterday and I can feel it today. I even chafed under my armpits.